Thursday, June 22, 2006


It's been a week since I have blogged. It's funny because I thought about it every day. I even logged in to "create" a new post, but astoundingly had nothing to share. I can't quite pinpoint what has been the actual reason. I have been very busy, but not too busy to post. Further, that would give me all the more to share and talk about. I have had some very BIG issues on my plate in pastoral and personal life. Although, it has been nothing to cause my faith to waiver or my testament to lie dormant. I guess this is just one of those times of great solitude and serenity. I have been petitioning the Lord on several things and continue to ask your prayers that God will speak in a clear and concise way. Well, I should really say that God will give me the discernment to know what it is He wants me to do. Until then, I will make every attempt to post something. I just don't want to cloud my intellect with too many personal agendas and opinions until I know that I have heard the voice of God.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Fervent Effectual Prayer

God hears and answers our every prayer concern. This is a time in which I am in deep prayer about so many things. I trust that our congregation, whom I have grown to love so dearly, will recognize the need sincerely seek the Lord. I claim, by faith, the victory which is our through Christ Jesus. Knowing that when we call unto Him, He will show us great and mighty things that we knoweth not.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Kingdom Building Agenda

Just how easy is it for the church to get sidetracked? I mean, don't most of the parishioners of our congregations have the wrong idea of what we are and are to do? In the midst of a consumer generation, it seems as if there is a greater trend of misdirection and misunderstanding about what the church is and does. Most are now in the mindset to "shop around" for their choice of church and pastor. Therefore, it seems as if the church which most appeals to the sensuality of a person is the church that gains the largest membership. Whatever happened to the premise that the church was a place to serve and not simply be served? We go to church now like it's our favorite restaurant or movie theater. Sometimes the service is good and other times the show gets a thumbs down. Therefore, many church leaders have sought good ratings from the masses rather than a "well done" from the Master. I am challenging the congregation of people where God has blessed me to lead. We must move to another level of commitment to the lost of this world. "Who will go for us" is the subject of tonight's bible study. We do have a charge to keep and a God to glorify. There are people dying and going to hell and this business of the Kingdom is of crucial urgency. I am redirecting my attention away from that of satisfying bench members. The reality is that they will consume the bulk of our time and, if allowed, write the churches "to do list." All while the commitment of this group is slim to none. When the church is in real need and ministry needs to embark, these "pew potatoes" are usually nowhere to be found. We need a ministry that is totally mission minded. I am not satisfied until the Lord is. Therefore, I believe that I have just broken through to the next level of politically incorrectness. Sure, I want to be about the business of edifying saints. Although, the greatest joy for me would be to please God with my efforts to evangelize sinners. Street corners, crack houses and jail cells don't seem all that glorious of a place to the average "saint." However, these are places where the Gospel most needs to be proclaimed. "How can they call on whom they have not believed, how can they believe in whom they have not heard, and how can they hear without a preacher..... Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God." Lord, use me as one of your trumpeters that these in greatest need may hear...

Sunday, June 11, 2006

"Any Given Sunday"

We had a wonderful time today in the service of the Lord. I believe worship service was another that exalted the Father and edified His people. We were blessed to have special guests from Austin Texas. Pastor Leonard James and a few of the members from Greater Works Baptist Church came to share with us in word and worship. Pastor James shared a wonderful sermon from Luke 5:1-5. The subject of his message was "At Thy Word." It was a timely word and exactly what we needed. Pastor James also had the male chorus with him and they were just amazing. It was refreshing to see a group of men banded together with an obvious adoration for God, cooperation with one another, and dedication to ministry. To say the least, we had a little "good ole fashun chuch" today. It has been amazing to watch God move in this way for the last several weeks. There was a time when my greatest prayer request was that God would allow us to have a spirit of worship on Sunday morning. Now it appears that God has touched the hearts of many in the congregation to "Enter in with thanksgiving and praise." There has been a much warmer and receiving atmosphere in the sanctuary and I am very grateful. It appears that now you can catch "The Ship" in high praise on "Any Given Sunday." Thanks be to Jesus Christ our Lord who gives us the victory.

Peacock Proud Pastor

The Youth Convention was a grand success. The spirit of the day was wonderful, the children seemed to be helped and encouraged, and the attendance was good also. Our theme, "Power 4 Life," was really affective and fit well in the course of the classes, preaching and afternoon session. I am thoroughly satisfied with the way Friendship stepped up to the plate. Everyone was in place and working toward the goal of being a good host. We had people on the food, and in other various areas helping to make sure our guest were well accommodated. During the welcome period, one of our youth said in a very comical way "you all are very welcome even though we are going to beat you in the competition." Given the spirit of our convention, it was taken in good fun and everyone laughed about it. During the lunch break I approached her and said, "you really have to come with it now because you put it out there." Well, wouldn't you know, our youth department showed out. They did exceptionally well in every one of the events. Bible Story Telling, Bible Memory Work (two age groups), Bible Sword Drill (two age groups), extemporaneous Speaking and Praise Dance were the events. We got first place in all but two events and then second and third places in various events. My, My, My.... You would have to know the history to really appreciate that. It was only three or four years ago that we were getting "spanked" in every event. Now God has allowed it to grow and it feels mighty good that this growth was experienced under my pastoral leadership. I realize that every portion of the credit belongs to the Lord. However, it does make me proud to see that God is adding increase in the midst of our efforts to strengthen the youth. Needless to say, we are on our way to the State Youth Convention with our hearts strengthened and our minds set on a "State Sweep."

Saturday, June 10, 2006

All About the Children

God has blessed me with a unique concern for youth ministry. I believe this has been one of the "labels" thoroughly associated with me. Most times when you hear the name of Kevin L. Pullam people think "a relatively young man with a youth centered approach." I have always thought this to be a discredit to me given the fact that my study has always been of such that I try my best to be loaded with word and witness. Loaded in such a way that it carries a universal relevance and effectiveness. I do have a tendency to use a contemporary application process. I have concluded that this is not a bad "stigma" to have. Children and Youth are actually an exquisite breed. If you can connect with a young person, in church, you have done a wonderful thing. Youth usually don't take well to empty cliche's and ritualistic religious polity. They can see straight through the persons that are, as the Apostle John would say, "lying and do not the truth." So, I have begun to wear my "scarlet letter" as a badge of honor. Sure, references to rap songs and pop culture can get you in trouble with the "holy high rollers" but I believe any honest and successful attempt to reach the young people for Christ is pleasing to God. With that said, I am honored to be the Director of our District Association's Youth Convention. Today will mark it's 45th Annual session. Myself and Friendship will be the host of this convention today and I am now up getting as many last minute details in order as is possible. There will be class sessions and a noon sermon this morning. On this afternoon there will be additional activities to include the "Bible Activities Competition." This is a time where children of various age groups compete in Bible Story Telling, Bible Memory Work, Bible Sword Drill, Extemporaneous Speaking and Praise Dance. I am really excited about this ministry and look forward to a productive day. Then on tomorrow I am to be the guest preacher at my home church and Pastor's Annual Youth Day. So, this week has been a youth centered one. My prayer is that God will give me a supernatural portion of His spirit and power. I also pray for the continued gift of depth and relevancy. I never want to be so shallow that I preach beneath my ability and down to people. However, I don't want to be so technical that I miss everyone. Lord, give me the insight to diligently discern the right "dose of doctrine" and rightfully divide in the service of YOUR people.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006


Hello... Long time no blog, I know. I am not really going to get into a long detailed list as to why I have not been communicating. Basically, I have simply been consumed with school, church and the coming events associated with district and state level affiliations. It so happens that this time of the year always proves to be a busy time. I am just praying that God will sustain us at "the ship" during this time. The summer season can often prove to be a trying season numerically. Although, if last Sunday was any indication of how the summer will be, it certainly looks promising. Attendance and morale were both way up and of course this was exciting. I love the people there and I really do believe God has placed a unique group of pastor and people there that are bound to do amazing things for the kingdom of God. Lord, give us a strength that endures till "due season."

Monday, June 05, 2006

"A Unified Church"

We had a wonderful day of worship on yesterday. It was one of those spirit-filled services that I have come to truly long for. From start to finish, the praise was high and we exalted the matchless name of Jesus to the best of our ability. The Sunday school lesson was on the subject of unity. I was lead to deal with that same subject in the sermon. I preached about "The Unified Church." God really challenged us through His word on how we can better unite for the TRUE causes of the kingdom. My thesis: "A united church creates an atmosphere that is conducive to worship, word and witness." We explored the ideas of being "together" and "in one accord." What a word for such a time as this. We've been given a "Great Commission" by our Lord and the church (local and universal) must banned together for that cause. We are told in Acts 2 that on the day of Pentecost about "3000 souls were added to the church." "Souls" not bodies... Pastors, preachers, trustee and deacon boards along with the people of our congregations need to be more concerned about "souls" and not bodies. We are so busy trying to add more people that we have not thoroughly fixed our focus on lost souls. As Rick Warren would say, "we are called to be fishers of men, not swappers of fish from tank to tank." At "the ship" we are uniting ourselves in mission. I am committed to love and lead our congregation in the Lord. I thank God for these He has entrusted. I am fully willing to accept this awesome challenge He has given.... Recognizing now the difference between uniformity and unity, we march onward.

Friday, June 02, 2006

"The Disciple Making Pastor"

'mI have this new goal to read three books every week. This is fueled by the fact that I have been lacking in my reading for quite some time and the thrust of my ministry was always, in the past, undergirded with a strong reading regiment. Since reviving this approach the benefits have already proven to be a great blessing. Wow, yesterday I started reading a book entitled "The Disciple-Making Pastor" written by Bill Hull. I could not put it down the entire evening. I am just about finished with the book and it has served to challenge and encourage me. The church proper has failed and is fainting in what is the true purpose of our existence. We were called and commissioned by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to do ONE primary thing.... "Make Disciples." This should be the central and sustaining point of the church. A body of believers that have been trained and then mobilized to "duplicate themselves." Learners creating more learners, who create more learners.... You get the point. The average church has gauged it's success by the "three b's." That is, it has entered the dangerous tendency to access buildings, bucks and bodies in order to discern the health and effectiveness of the church. George Barna has reported that, "of the 22 million persons that claim to be Christian, only 7 percent have ever taken training in discipleship and only 2 percent have ever led someone to Christ." Now, as Bill Hull inquires, "what if you were going to war and only 7 percent of the troops had been trained and 2 percent of them actually had experience?" Needless to say, we have been fighting a losing battle. It is the responsibility of Pastors to fix the focus of the congregation on DISCIPLESHIP. Of course, in theory, we have all known this for quite some time. However, how many of us are actually doing it? Well, I am committed to this mission of the commission at "The Ship." Anything that is not conducive to soul winning and discipleship training, will not be a part of our program, people, leadership team or budget. "The harvest is truly plentiful and the laborers few." What a scathing indictment against any "Christian" that has never lead even one person to Christ. God help us... I don't aspire to be a money making preacher, a house-filling preacher, a "sho-nuff can say it" preacher, a "dumped that house" preacher, or even a popular preacher. Lord, mold me into a "Disciple-Making Pastor."