Thursday, October 30, 2008

W.O.W. Weekend


Yes, I know, it's been a while. I have REALLY been busy. Since we last "blogged" there have been a great host of transitions. One of the biggest things on my plate has been the ongoing renovation project at our church. We have basically given the interior of our facility a TOTAL face lift. The greatest "burden" (if you will call it that) is that much of it has been on my shoulders. I am somewhat a "Jack of All Trades" and during Spring Break of this year I decided it was time to change things up and bring our facility into the New Millennium. The aim was to incorporate decor, technology, spaces that would be more user-friendly in our attempts at relevant ministry. When we started the space was ill-managed, out dated, and in poor repair (basically). For example, the carpets were 1970's orange along with complete wood paneling in the entire building. We knocked out walls, yanked out paneling, ripped up carpet, gutted out the sound system, etc. Needless to say; it has been an expensive and exhausting time for myself and the congregation. However, the potential is proving to be encouraging.
(Pictures coming soon)

On this weekend we embark upon the Annual Celebration of our W.O.W. Ministry. (Women of Wisdom) I am especially excited because one of my preaching proteges', and subsequent predecessor at the church in the name of Rev. James R. Miller will be the special 3:00pm guest. I am looking forward to a wonderful weekend of worship, word, and fellowship as he shares with us. It will also be the first time he sees the place since we went "crazy" changing EVERYTHING. It will be interesting to get his inventory of the changes. I respect his opinion. He has always offered great suggestions and encouragement as relates to my ministry.

I ask the prayers of all my blog family as we attempt to return to some degree of normalcy. There are a LOAD of things I want to share about the last several weeks and am sure we will find the time in the coming days.

God Bless...


At 10:26 PM, Blogger Pastor A. A. McGhee said...

Pastor Kevin,

Great to hear from you! I praise God for the work He's doing through you, spiritually and structurally at your church. I will pray for the success of your upcoming WOW program and a wonderful reunion between you and Pastor Miller. God Bless.

At 11:51 AM, Blogger Pastor Lance A. Mann said...

Pastor Kevin, congrats on the renovation project and I am indeed praying that God will allow you all to get back to a sense of normalcy. I am also praying for a great WOW weekend. God always honors faithfulness. Get back to blogging real soon my brother, missed you much.


At 9:10 AM, Blogger Pastor Kraig L. Pullam said...

My brother, excited to hear about this past weekend! I have seen the changes at The Ship and can attest to the fact that God is definately up to something great. I am certain and sure that this past W.O.W. Weekend was a success, after hearing all of the reports. I can't wait to get the update from your blog about how well it went and how Rev. Miller shared in the proclamation of God's Word.

At 8:48 PM, Blogger HALLELUJAH said...


I wish you much success in the achievement in the renovation of your Church.

May GOD Truly Bless~~~

At 1:15 PM, Blogger Vietta P's two cents worth said...

Some of your blog family need to know if you are doing OK. I know that your school curriculum has been a killer, and the load at the church has been fierce with it's remodeling project, among other personal obligations this year, but don't stay away to long. We need to hear from you. We'll be waiting. I love you.



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