Saturday, May 20, 2006

Revived Again

I can say nothing but that "Our God is an awesome God." The revival was a complete and total success. Pastor Kevin B. Willis Sr. allowed the Lord to use him in a supernatural way. It is evident that God has touched the lives of many around our city through his preaching ministry. I was personally helped and strengthened by this time of sharing. The word, on each night, seemed to be tailored for every need of the people at our church. I am praying that our church family will be able to execute and practice many of the principles Pastor Willis shared. Also, it would be impossible to explain how edifying the fellowship was. I have gained such practical and powerful insight from the time I shared with him. To say the least, this time has encouraged me to "return and do the first works." I will be the first to admit that, in recent times, I had really started to shut down. Many of my earlier aspirations and expectations for ministry, I had somewhat placed on the back burner. As a result of much opposition and difficulty I figured, "what's the use?" I thought I would just continue to pursue my degree and wait on something else. However, I have never been that kind of person. I make it a point to pursue excellence at any cost. I am glad to be back in that mindset. God is going to do great things through our ministry and church. There are a handful of people that want to see God's kingdom advanced and, quite frankly, that's all we need to get something significant started. Jesus effected the whole world as we know it through the lives of 12. Well, thank you Lord for every wonderful benefit. I am certainly "Revived Again."


At 12:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear that you were so powerfully and positively affected this week. I too was revived, as were many across this city. I want to see God's kingdom advanced -Here am I Lord, send Me- lp


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