"Lord Lay me Down to Sleep"
It's now past 5am and I have been up all night. I guess the excitement and preparations for the revival have me "wound up." I am now going to lay down for a while and see if I can sleep for at least two hours or so. The predicament I have caused for myself is that my agenda required a 7am start time in order to be completely done with all errands and final touches before picking Pastor Willis up at about 4:30pm. Anyway.... I trust God to sustain. I realize, being that I am human, rest is required. Therefore, I will simply play it by ear whenever I rise. The beautiful part of it is the time of praise, prayer and even preparation I was able to accomplish in the solemn of my small study space. Two solid sermon ideas and a time of communion with God like one that I haven't had in quite some time. God flooded my soul with the strength I need "for such a time as this." Oh God.... You hear and You answer every prayer.
Pastor Pullam, you are so right. God does answer prayer, and I know that he will give you the strength that you need to to keep movin. I must stop to say that you alway's pull things together so greatly.K.H
Pastor, He will always have an answer to your prayers it may not be when you want it but it will come. AMEN Now rest.
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