Monday, August 11, 2008

Blessed to the Next Degree

I am rejoicing in the Lord again today for His mighty and magnificent acts. On today I had an appointment with my academic advisor to discuss my plans for graduation. If the Lord allows me to see the end of the year, I am scheduled to graduate from Texas A and M University with a BA in Psychology and Sociology Minor. I realize, in light of the many who have achieved such things at a much earlier age, that this may not sound like such a big deal on the surface. However, it is an answered prayer indeed. If I had time to tell you my "context" and story, you too would probably understand why this has been such a "long time coming." I also found out that I am only six classes away from my degree at Howard Payne. In May of next year I should have a BA in Practical Theology with a Minor in Psychology. I ask your prayers as I press through the responsibilities of church, family, etc. to finish these personal endeavors to "stir up the gift." Of course, it is also a prayer concern that God would allow me to go directly into Graduate school in the Fall of next year.

Thanks to all my family and closest loved ones for your prayers and support. "The Vision is yet for an appointed time..." I know that God has another level of life and ministry for us to experience and I want to "be diligent" to do everything earthly possible to be in the place and posture to be used by Him.

To God be the Glory...

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At 11:56 PM, Blogger Pastor Kraig L. Pullam said...

This is great news and they are great milestones, in and of themselves. I will continually be in prayer for the success of your educational pursuits and ministry endeavors. This is great!!!

At 11:15 AM, Blogger Pastor A. A. McGhee said...

Congratulations on your educational achievements. May God replenish you for the work yet ahead.

At 1:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is great music to my ears. You have always been a highly intellegent individual. You were a deep thinker even as a child. There was/is nothing you can't do when you put your mind to it. I have seen you acheive some amazing things in your life. Most of it self taught. As a boy (and even now at times) you hate to hear me say "you can do it" and your reply would always be "you don't know how hard that is". Next thing I know it was done. You are to be commended for pursuing and obtaining your educational goals more so because of it's timing. It is much less demanding when you are younger without career and family obligations. I know of it's challenges because this is how we attained our degrees. We know how hard it is to stay focussed and steadfast. Nobody can say this is a minor accomplishment. I know of your story and much of it's "context" so to me your story is very amazing indeed with an upcoming amazing ending towards your educational goals. Oh, how proud I am!!! But as I have always said...

"You Can Do It"

I Love you,
With My Whole Heart,



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