Friday, May 26, 2006

"I Made It..."

Well, I told you about the Government 1301 class I was taking in this year's "Maymester." I must admit that it was the fastest paced class I have ever taken. Man, we did a whole semester's workload in two weeks. You may have noticed that I didn't post a couple of days over the last week. Naturally, I was a bit consumed with that class. I have committed myself to making A's in all the remaining classes I have yet to take. This will be necessary in the future should an opportunity open for me to enroll in graduate studies. (M. Div. and D. Min.) Most of the schools I would love to attend require a G.P.A. of at least 3.0 in undergraduate studies. My praise report is that, despite the fast pace, I was able to pull off a pretty strong A. Out of a possible 500 points in the entire class, I was at 489. Thank you Lord... I made it through that class.... Now it's time to get geared up for Summer classes. I am pushing myself to take 13 hours in Summer session 1 and then 9 in session 2. If the Lord says the same, this will allow me to graduate this Christmas season. I ask your prayers that God would grant the tenacity, strength and insight to complete this goal.


At 2:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of you Pastor. You’re already an amazing preacher & teacher, but with an M. Div & D. Min you can build that kingdom so much higher. Stay in the race, happy studying and be blessed. S.P.

At 3:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another A!!! Great Job. The boys and I are very proud of you. lp

At 9:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pastor P,
You can reach your goals and you will,the Lord will be with you every step of the way. Congrats on your "A" you are not only a great student but also a great teacher and pastor for what you learn you share with us and that takes a gifted Pastor to enterpret what he learns to his own words and Gods word for his congregation to understand and learn from it.Again love and hugs. A.S.

At 4:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pastor Pullam, this is wonderful, keep up the great job.KH


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