Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Am I My Brother's Keeper?

I have a couple of brothers that have been very strongly in my heart and mind now for the last couple of weeks. They are much like me but, at the same time, so different. I have often, and still to this day, been misunderstood by them to be the opposite of who I really am. It seems as if the harder I strive to bridge the gap the greater it widens. How could persons that have known one another for so long and walked with each other through so much be this disconnected?

Well, I am imagining that the deeper question for me now is "why do I worry so much about it?" Am I just being to affectionate and sentimental? It would seem as if I am the only one with any real despair about the breakdown. Well... I realize that my blog is probably the least "technical" of us all. I further understand that sometimes my transparency can be frightening. I would be the first to agree that there is a very fine line between appropriate/inappropriate sharing on the blog or any other cyber-source. So, I guess I will just stop here and keep praying about the best way to extend my heart and hand to all those who come to mind right now.

Tip!!! I think it is a shame to allow others to constantly pour into, encourage, exhort, edify YOU and YOU never employ or seize the opportunity to return the expression and sentiment. (As my Dad would say, "Now that was for free.") lol

Thanks Pastor Mann... Psalm 133:1 fits here. "Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity."

It is in this "unity" that we find strength. As a result of a commitment to this "unity" we see, as the bible says, "iron sharpen iron." With a dedication to this "unity" we are able to have true Koinonia, which is literally carries the idea of a perpetual EXCHANGE. It's the constant giving and taking of all persons involved that make this fellowship and unity so rich. So if one always takes the position of GIVING, while the other only TAKES, there comes a lofty lopsidedness in the relationship. OH!!! I said I was gonna stop didn't I???

Kevin L. Pullam


At 5:25 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Kevin, be encouraged brother. I used to say when all you can do in a certain matter, is all you can do that's it. But now I would encourage you to keep praying about it and keep it before the Lord. Asking that His will in the situation would be honored.

Were praying for you brother and your ministry.

Be Encouraged!

Tony R.

At 7:01 AM, Blogger Clinton Smith said...

I can relate in so many ways. I have three brothers and I'm the only preacher. I was misunderstood as a child as well as an adult. Because while they outside playing when were kids, I was in the house reading my bible. Now, they all still don't attend church but our relationship as grown stronger over the past few years. Primarily because I love them to death and try my best to be a positive example. Be encouraged, God is watching your heart.

At 7:11 AM, Blogger Pastor A. A. McGhee said...

Pastor Kevin,

The reason you care so much is because you are a brother's brother. Be encouraged because I believe you are on the right track and the desired result will come to fruition soon.

Thanks for sharing your heart with us. Delight thyself also in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart - Psalm 37:4

At 9:26 AM, Blogger Pastor Lance A. Mann said...

Pastor Kevin,

Please let me echo the words of Pastor McGhee, you are because of who you are not who others want you to be. I totally understand being misunderstood, but I want to encourage you to keep being transparent. Your courage in your openness with your "other" brothers is needed and appreciated by all. I want to let you know that you do have "other" brothers who care about you and are willing to participate in true Koinonia. What we all need to do is to set a place and a couple of days and just retreat with each other to allow our irons to sharpen one with another. Stay encouraged.


At 11:42 AM, Blogger Vietta P's two cents worth said...

Knowing you, your character and heart so intimately and completely, your passionate feelings about this is no surprise to me. In fact I would expect it from you. I have watched your heart all your life. You have always been your brother's keeper even to mere strangers. This will continue to be a strong emotion for you. You will have no other recourse than to do what needs to be done to resolve the situation. Gauging from what I know of your past experiences your spirit will not rest otherwise. I will pray for you and the other brothers whomever they may be and that God will navigate the circumstances of a complete loving reconciliation.

My prayer is, that it is God's will as well that you become REAL brothers once again. I love you.


At 6:33 PM, Blogger Fitts said...

Wow brother! I never met you but I must say I am so encouraged by your blog post. What you did is so healthy. It has opened my mind up to being more transparent with my blog post. I always wanted to have a group of preachers that I can share my struggles with for the purpose of them holding me accountable. I don't know a lot about the situation with the, but I know enough to go to the Lord in prayer. You have my word, I will go to the Lord about this situation that is heavy on your heart.

Your brother and co laborer in the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ,

DeAntwan Fitts

Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding.

In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6 (Amplified Bible)

At 8:25 AM, Blogger Pastor Kraig L. Pullam said...

Hello again. I have read posts you have posted since this one; but for some reason I have missed 'this' one. In fact, it was your latest post that 'hinted' to a continuation of 'this' post.

My prayers are the same as Momma:
"I will pray for you and the other brothers whomever they may be and that God will navigate the circumstances of a complete loving reconciliation."

Socrates mentioned that relationships can have a tendency to drift apart. But Socrates was not Who Jesus is! In ministry we all have specific burdens; most true pastors have a genuine desire to fellowship with their 'brothers'.

The Church of England, in ordination practices, would ask those being ordained, 'How do you know that you are called?' The correct answer for them was this: 'Becuse I love the Brethren'.

May the Lord grant you the desires of your heart as you delight in him. I do pray that God is answering and/or will eventually answer you prayers. God is faithful!!!


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