Monday, November 05, 2007

Order My Steps

Won't be long today. Today is my 12th Wedding Anniversary and am preparing to share the afternoon with my girlfriend of 15+ years.

The Lord is really blessing our ministry at "The Ship." We seem to be entering a new season, or shall I say another level, of possibility and promise. Of course, things are still rough and a struggle. However, God seems to be allowing us to see some return on our diligence to effect a change in the congregation.

Worship service, I must admit, seemed to start with a unusually solemn tone. I am glad that I allowed the admonitions of my parents to kick in. I realized that what they said is true. "Many times what we mistake for a dead crowd is really just an indication of a reverent, intentional and reflective worship opportunity." Wow... Everything was wonderful. The Lord showed His face as we sought Him.

We were able to share again from Psalm 119. This week we were on verse 35, "Make me walk in the path of your ways, for I delight in them." The subject was simply, "Order my Steps." Basically, life as a Christian is like walking a tight rope. Our chief concern is to seek BALANCE through God and His word. This is what the Psalmist was seeking. (Only my feeble opinion) Why else would he pray for the Lord to "Make" him do what he already "delighted in." I have to MAKE my children cut the yard, clean their rooms and wash the dishes. But I NEVER have to MAKE them eat food, especially ice cream. Why then does the Psalmist make such an awkward request? Because in his walk he was struggling to make balance between to entities... The old man and the new man... The old man loathes God's word, while the new man loves God's word. The old man hates God's word, while the new man heeds God's word. The old man forbids God's word, while the new man follows God's word. That's why, even when we come to Christ we must strive to keep our "balance." I believe this is the "balance" that Paul was struggling with in Romans 7. He said, and I'm paraphrasing, "those things I want to do, I don't do and the things I don't want to do, I do.... O wretched man that I am, who will deliver me from this flesh of sin?" There is often a great pain and process associated with finding this "balance." I think that is what we see discovered by the Prodigal son in Luke 15. He leaves saying "give me" but comes home saying "make me." Wow... Back "full circle" to the petition and prayer of this Psalmist in verse 35, "Make me to walk in the path of your ways." When Paul admonishes us to "walk worthy of the vocation wherewith we have been called" the word "worthy" is taken from the Greek "axios." (my spelling may not be exact). That word is one of weights and measures and simply means "in good balance." Paul says, "therefore walk in good balance of the vocation for which you have been called." It was also Paul who said (Ephesians 2:10) "For we are His workmanship, created in Christi Jesus unto good works which he hath pre-ordained that we may WALK in them." The probing question that I asked our congregation was "How is your walk?" The challenge of us all is to have a walk (lifestyle) that glorifies God, edifies man and terrifies Satan. I thank God for redefining my walk and effecting the process of sanctification in me. "I may not be the best at anything, nor have the best of anything. Sometimes I feel that I'm the least of all. But, I know someone who has everything and He is my everything, and I'm happy just to know that I'm His child..."

Lord... Please, Order my steps in your word...


At 7:44 PM, Blogger Pastor Kraig L. Pullam said...

WOW! I really enjoyed this particular blog! I will have to read it again for devotion tomorrow with D'Ani. It really encourages me to read your blogs. I am also excited to see the growth and progress at Friendship. It is interesting to see it chronciled along the way; and the strides that the Lord allows to be made week after week. Continue to be encouraged in all that you do. This is only the beginning. Also-congrats on 15+ years!


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